Ascended Master Sponsorship of The Summit Lighthouse®

The Summit LighthouseThe Ascended Masters sponsor The Summit Lighthouse and the Church Universal and Triumphant, outer organizations of the Great White Brotherhood*, as beacons of culture, illumination, wisdom and love for the advancement of the soul.

The Summit Lighthouse® is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to publishing and spreading the Teachings of the Ascended Masters throughout the world and providing opportunities and support for a spiritual path.

The Summit Lighthouse embraces all faiths and nationalities. Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the teachings of the Ascended Masters shed light on the lost or distorted teachings of Christ and the unifying spiritual principles behind all the world's major religions.

The Ascended Masters teach the path of the soul's overcoming victory whereby it can reunite with the Holy Christ Self, walk the earth with self-mastery and return to the heaven-world at the conclusion of a lifetime of service. This path of personal Christhood is a spiritual journey where each one can find the way of overcoming.

The Summit Lighthouse Information Websites

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The Summit Lighthouse Websites in Spanish

*The word "white" refers not to race but to the white light that surrounds these immortals.